Here are some science links that might interest you, help you out with a report, or at least prove to you that I am by no means the biggest science dork out there. Because there are so darn many, I've put them on two separate pages. Also, they should work, but if you find some dead links don't cry about it like a big sissy pie, just e-mail me and let me know. If you find some more sites, e-mail them to me too. Well, quit wasting time reading this and get to the links already. Geesh, you really are quite a time-waster, aren't you? You'd be happy sitting here, reading this screen, not doing anything all day, wouldn't you? See, there you still are, sitting around and reading. Even after I told you not to, you're still here, doing nothing but wasting your time reading this paragraph, which obviously says absolutely nothing. In fact, it probably doesn't even matter what I write here. You'll probably read anything, just to keep wasting your time. I could even make up words. Gibby wibby fatknuckle. Manster wanny pants. Looloo lucky lips. Man, you kept on reading, didn't you? No offense, but you make me kind of sick. I don't really want to talk to you any more. You'd better just click on a button below and get out of here before I lose any more respect for you.