*If you were to spell out numbers, you wouldn't get to the letter "A" until you hit one thousand.
*Bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers were all invented by women.
*The only food that doesn't ever spoil is honey.
*40% of all people at a party snoop in the medicine cabinet.
*The cost of raising a medium-sized dog to age eleven is $6,400.
*Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
*Ecuador is the country that make the Panama Hat.
*A camel's hair brush is made from squirrel fur.
*Frank Sinatra never owned a pair of Levi's.
*The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II killed only elephants at
the Berlin Zoo.
*Oak trees don't make acorns until they are 50 years of age.
*Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
*The plastic things at the end of shoelaces are called "aglets".
*Pearls melt in vinegar.
*A stack of one dollar bills one mile high would be worth about 14 million dollars.
*In 1872, 25% of the horses in the US died of a virus.
*A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night.
*Herbert Hoover is the first president to have an asteroid named after him.
*Frank and Jesse James committed the first daylight bank robbery on Feb. 14, 1866.
*You're just as likely to die falling out of bed as you are getting hit by lightning. Each is a
1 in 2,000,000 chance.
*38% of people consider Monday to be the most stressful day at work.
*The average adult spends 11 to 13 minutes in the shower.
*Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua is the only freshwater lake in the world to have sharks.
*A croquet ball weighs one pound.
*Christopher Columbus had blonde hair.
*In 1955 a book was returned to the Cambridge University library that was 288 years overdue.
*Disney used Marilyn Monroe's body as the model for Tinkerbell.
*Most tornadoes occur in May.
*Barbie dolls were introduced in 1959 and cost only $3.
*There are over 200 taste buds on each of the small bumps on your tongue.
*Sigmund Freud had an intense fear of ferns.
*The oldest known goldfish was 41 years old and named Fred.
*It takes 12 bees their entire lifetime to make a teaspoon of honey.
*About 75,600,000 pumpkin pies are baked each winter in the US.
*Americans buy 20 million pounds of candy corn each year for Halloween.
*Only one in 500 people have one blue and one brown eye.
*37% of Americans drink their coffee with milk and sugar, while 21% drink it black.
*People in Western China, Tibet and Mongolia put salt in their tea.
*In Albania, nodding your head means "no" while shaking it means "yes".
*In North Carolina, it is illegal to plow a field with an elephant.
*Greyhounds have the best eyesight of any dog.
*The average adult has about 18 square feet of skin.
*The length of the original slinky laid out was 87 feet.
*At noon on Mercury, the sun is hot enough to melt lead.
*On some Caribbean Islands, oysters can climb trees.
*In the NFL, the home team must provide 24 football for each game, although normally only 8 to
12 are used.
*In Tibet, it is considered polite to stick your tongue out at people.
*Eagles mate in the air.
*Swans live up to 70 years.
*It takes a lobster about 7 years to grow to a weight of one pound.
*Birds almost never sing while standing on the ground.
*68% of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth.
*The average shower in the US uses 30 gallons.
*The bronze razor found in King Tut's tomb was still sharp enough to shave with.
*Shriley Temple received 135,000 presents for her 8th birthday.
*The only creature known to be killed by meteor was a dog in Egypt in 1911.
*The New York Yankees were the first baseball team to travel by air.
*Atlantic salmon can jump 15 feet out of the water.
*Every year, Mexico City sinks about 10 inches.
*The first President to greet people with a handshake was Thomas Jefferson. Before that, people
*It takes 8 seconds to make a baseball bat in a factory.
*The Statue of Liberty's index finger is 8 feet long and has a fingernail measuring 13 by 10 inches.
*In Arizona, it's illegal to hunt camels.
*There is a city called "Rome" on every continent in the world.
*Humans and elephants are the only mammals that can stand on their heads.
*All polar bears are left-handed.
*The Empire State Building has 6,400 windows.
*The state of Florida is bigger than England.
*When viewed from above, rainbows are the shape of a doughnut.
*A giraffe can kill a lion with one kick.
*The Bactrian camel is the only land mammal that can survive on salt water.
*In Washington DC, no building may be higher than the Washington Monument.
*All the planets in the sola system would fit inside of Jupiter.
*In Kentucky, every citizen must take at least one bath a year.
*In Pennsylvania, ministers are not allowed to perform marriages if either the bride or groom is
*John Glenn ate the first meal in space in 1962. It was applesauce squeezed from a tube.
*Elepants are the only animals with 4 knees.
*The bandages used to wrap mummies in Egypt were, on average, 1000 yards long.
*A quart-sized pail holds 8 millon grains of sand.
*The Pilgrims dismantled the Mayflower and used its lumber to build a barn because they wanted
to force themselves never to return to England.