Mon. 3/3 (DAY 2)
Review Day!!
Tues. 3/4 (DAY 1)
1. Collect homework.
2. Go over today's learning objective.
3. Useless facts.
4. Take the "Atoms, Elements & Matter" test.

A. When done, work on Matter Through Organisms Anticipation Guide.

B. When done get your phones.
5. Clean out unnecessary stuff from folders.
6. Explain next unit's extension activity and video links.

A. Go over how to use a microscope.
7. Explain lab - 20 min

A. Don't lose lab. We'll finish in a week or so.

B. Shapes must get approved by me.

C. Make good drawings and hypothesis.

D. Don't work ahead.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
9. Begin “Photosynthesis” lab.
Weds. 3/5 (DAY 2)
1. Collect homework.
2. Go over today's learning objective.
3. Useless facts.
4. Take the "Atoms, Elements & Matter" test.

A. When done, work on Matter Through Organisms Anticipation Guide.

B. When done get your phones.
5. Clean out unnecessary stuff from folders.
6. Explain next unit's extension activity and video links.

A. Go over how to use a microscope.
7. Explain lab - 20 min

A. Don't lose lab. We'll finish in a week or so.

B. Shapes must get approved by me.

C. Make good drawings and hypothesis.

D. Don't work ahead.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
9. Begin “Photosynthesis” lab.
Thurs. 3/6 (DAY 1)
1. Go over today's learning objective.
2. Useless facts.
3. Discuss microscopes.

A. Use low and medium power, not high.

B. Explain how to make a wet mount slide.

C. Explain course vs fine adjustment
4. Trace a Big Mac back to the sun.
5. Discuss lab:

A. More energy meant more fire.

B. Calories measure energy.

C. Stored calories are found in fat.

D. Food energy = trapped sunlight.

E. You need colored pencils tomorrow!
6. Explain lab. - Lab takes 42 min

A. You’re going to burn each food twice then average.
B. The fire gets big. Watch out.

C. Put burnt food in the glass bucket.

D. Keep the test tube under the flame.

E. Change the water between the foods. That’s four times total.
7. Do "Food Burning" lab and collect.

A. Pass back tests while they work.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
Fri. 3/7 (DAY 2)
1. Go over today's learning objective.
2. Useless facts.
3. Discuss microscopes.

A. Use low and medium power, not high.

B. Explain how to make a wet mount slide.

C. Explain course vs fine adjustment
4. Trace a Big Mac back to the sun.
5. Discuss lab:

A. More energy meant more fire.

B. Calories measure energy.

C. Stored calories are found in fat.

D. Food energy = trapped sunlight.

E. You need colored pencils tomorrow!
6. Explain lab. - Lab takes 42 min

A. You’re going to burn each food twice then average.
B. The fire gets big. Watch out.

C. Put burnt food in the glass bucket.

D. Keep the test tube under the flame.

E. Change the water between the foods. That’s four times total.
7. Do "Food Burning" lab and collect.

A. Pass back tests while they work.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
Mon. 3/10 (DAY 1)
1. Review yesterday's lab.
2. Go over today's learning objective.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes up to and including consumers.

A. Discuss role of chlorophyll and Test Question 3.

B. Discuss Lab Question 10.
5. Remind students how to use a microscope.

A. Low and medium power only.

B. Wet mount slides.

C. Course and fine adjustment.
6. Explain lab. - Lab takes 55 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Do microscope part while you wait on the chromatography part.

C. Wrap up cords and return microscope to cart.

D. Lab due today.
7. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
8. Do "Chloroplasts and Chlorophyll" lab and collect.
Tues. 3/11 (DAY 2)
1. Review yesterday's lab.
2. Go over today's learning objective.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes up to and including consumers.

A. Discuss role of chlorophyll and Test Question 3.

B. Discuss Lab Question 10.
5. Remind students how to use a microscope.

A. Low and medium power only.

B. Wet mount slides.

C. Course and fine adjustment.
6. Explain lab. - Lab takes 55 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Do microscope part while you wait on the chromatography part.

C. Wrap up cords and return microscope to cart.

D. Lab due today.
7. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
8. Do "Chloroplasts and Chlorophyll" lab and collect.
Weds. 3/12 (DAY 1)
1. Review producers and consumers with yesterday's lab question.
2. Go over today's learning objective.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on sugar and starch.

A. Show molecule kits.

B. Discuss blood and how it acts like trucks.
5. Discuss that blood is red, always.

A. Show flashlight behind finger demo.
6. Give notes on photosynthesis.

A. Discuss how carbon is involved.
7. Show "What is Photosynthesis" video from computer.
8. Explain lab. - 45 min

A. Watch your step.

B. Be gentle with plants.

C. Dim = room lights.

D. Use tally marks.

F. Wrap up lights and leave on desk when done.

G. When done, rip out pages 94-99 and read for tomorrow.
9. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
10. Begin "Rate of Photosynthesis" lab and collect.
Thurs. 3/13 (DAY 2)
1. Review producers and consumers with yesterday's lab question.
2. Go over today's learning objective.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on sugar and starch.

A. Show molecule kits.

B. Discuss blood and how it acts like trucks.
5. Discuss that blood is red, always.

A. Show flashlight behind finger demo.
6. Give notes on photosynthesis.

A. Discuss how carbon is involved.
7. Show "What is Photosynthesis" video from computer.
8. Explain lab. - 45 min

A. Watch your step.

B. Be gentle with plants.

C. Dim = room lights.

D. Use tally marks.

F. Wrap up lights and leave on desk when done.

G. When done, rip out pages 94-99 and read for tomorrow.
9. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
10. Begin "Rate of Photosynthesis" lab and collect.
Fri. 3/14 (DAY 1)
1. Collect homework.
2. Review yesterday's lab questions and material so far.
3. Go over today's learning objective.
4. Useless facts.
5. Give notes on primary, secondary and tertiary consumers.

A. Show skulls.

B. Tell hot dog story. Also daffodil story.
6. Give notes on decomposers.

A. Why so important?

B. Why so annoying?

C. Show petrified wood.
7. Give notes on conservation of energy.

A. Discuss energy transfer.

B. Relate to "Food Burning" lab.

C. Discuss systems and Test Questions 1, 6, and 9.
8. Draw a food web of a pond, including all categories.

A. Producers: water plant, eel grass, algae.

B. Primary consumers: minnows, flies, snail.

C. Secondary consumers: perch, gull.

D. Tertiary consumers: bass.

E. Decomposer: bacteria.

F. FYI, there are food webs on pg. 355 and 356 in book, for reference.
9. For candy, ask questions about food web. (Include Test Questions 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, and 17.)
10. Wrap up with what we've learned today.