Mon. 2/3 (DAY 1)
1. Review information discussed so far.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Writing prompt: “Cooking is chemistry. Tell me an interesting story involving food, cooking or eating.” 7 min
4. Useless facts
5. Give notes on solutions, solutes and solvents.
A. Discuss yesterday’s lab.
B. Show Becker bottle. Name the solute and solvents.
C. Explain how to make rock candy. Show example.
D. Discuss money chamber and how sweat pants are like warm water.
6. Explain what a water soluble marker and chromatography is.  
A. Can’t use a primary color.
B. Can’t use a permanent marker.
C. Black and brown are best as they are the most colors.
D. Highest rising color is most soluble.  
E. I have a model on the cart to see.
F. You each get to do one color of your choice as well as either black or brown.
G. Explain Seven(ty) thousand dollar check. Do as a brainteaser for candy.
7. Explain lab – 40 min
A. Look at model on cart.
B. Read carefully.
C. You are going to analyze four of them. Two for you, two for your partner.
D. Answer questions while they finish.
E. Show how to write down colors on line like Question 27.
F. All groups have two colors they pick, one black and one brown.
G. When done, rip out and read pages 278-293.
8. Do “Paper Chromatography” lab and collect.
9. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Tues. 2/4 (DAY 2)
1. Review information discussed so far.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Writing prompt: “Cooking is chemistry. Tell me an interesting story involving food, cooking or eating.” 7 min
4. Useless facts
5. Give notes on solutions, solutes and solvents.
A. Discuss yesterday’s lab.
B. Show Becker bottle. Name the solute and solvents.
C. Explain how to make rock candy. Show example.
D. Discuss money chamber and how sweat pants are like warm water.
6. Explain what a water soluble marker and chromatography is.  
A. Can’t use a primary color.
B. Can’t use a permanent marker.
C. Black and brown are best as they are the most colors.
D. Highest rising color is most soluble.  
E. I have a model on the cart to see.
F. You each get to do one color of your choice as well as either black or brown.
G. Explain Seven(ty) thousand dollar check. Do as a brainteaser for candy.
7. Explain lab – 40 min
A. Look at model on cart.
B. Read carefully.
C. You are going to analyze four of them. Two for you, two for your partner.
D. Answer questions while they finish.
E. Show how to write down colors on line like Question 27.
F. All groups have two colors they pick, one black and one brown.
G. When done, rip out and read pages 278-293.
8. Do “Paper Chromatography” lab and collect.
9. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Weds. 2/5 (DAY 1)
1. Review information discussed so far as well as yesterday’s seven(ty) lab question.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts
4. Give notes on suspensions and colloids.
A. Discuss Tyndall Effect.
B. Show laser and chalk dust demo.  
C. Discuss Test Question 16.
D. Is spray paint a solution? Shake can as demo.
5. Show how to use Tyndall Effect with test tubes.  
A. One of you use the cardboard and flashlight while the other looks.
B. You want to hold it up.
C. Remember, this only tells you if it’s a solution or not. It will not tell you if it’s a colloid or suspension.
D. Once you have your non-solutions, if they settle they are suspension.  
6. Explain lab – 60 min
A. Read very carefully and use your notes.
B. Rinse everything. Rinse straw each time in rinse beaker.
C. Dump test tubes in chemical bucket.
D. Tape on cart. Pick off when done.
E. Mass cups.
No beam = solution (3 of them)
Beam but settles = suspension (3 of them)
Beam and doesn’t settle = colloid (2 of them)
G. Use my flashlights, not your cell phone as they don’t work well. I have a laser if needed.
7. Do “Solution or Non-Solution” lab and collect.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Thurs. 2/6 

No School!  Ice Day!!

Fri. 2/7 (DAY 2)
1. Review information discussed so far as well as yesterday’s seven(ty) lab question.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts
4. Give notes on suspensions and colloids.
A. Discuss Tyndall Effect.
B. Show laser and chalk dust demo.  
C. Discuss Test Question 16.
D. Is spray paint a solution? Shake can as demo.
5. Show how to use Tyndall Effect with test tubes.  
A. One of you use the cardboard and flashlight while the other looks.
B. You want to hold it up.
C. Remember, this only tells you if it’s a solution or not. It will not tell you if it’s a colloid or suspension.
D. Once you have your non-solutions, if they settle they are suspension.  
6. Explain lab – 60 min
A. Read very carefully and use your notes.
B. Rinse everything. Rinse straw each time in rinse beaker.
C. Dump test tubes in chemical bucket.
D. Tape on cart. Pick off when done.
E. Mass cups.
No beam = solution (3 of them)
Beam but settles = suspension (3 of them)
Beam and doesn’t settle = colloid (2 of them)
G. Use my flashlights, not your cell phone as they don’t work well. I have a laser if needed.
7. Do “Solution or Non-Solution” lab and collect.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Mon. 2/10 (DAY 1)
1. Review all material so far. - 15 min
A. Go over Test Questions 16 and 17.
B. Show examples of elements, mixtures and compounds with molecule kits.
C. Discuss bead jar. Mixture or compound?  
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on the conservation of matter. 
A. Discuss a burning book.
B. Mass is conserved but volume is not!
C. Discuss Test Question 9.
D. Brainteaser for candy: “Why does smoke float if it’s so heavy?”
5. Explain lab - 50 min
A. Keep balances set.
B. Read very carefully.
C. Ice is in the cooler.
D. You're starting in different spots.
E. Put stuff back where you got it.
F. These aren’t great balances, so close is good enough.
G. When done, rip out and read pages 342-345.
6. Show the test tube with balloon and how to add the baking soda.
7. Do "Measure the Mass" lab and collect.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

​Tues. 2/11 (DAY 2) 
1. Review all material so far. - 15 min
A. Go over Test Questions 16 and 17.
B. Show examples of elements, mixtures and compounds with molecule kits.
C. Discuss bead jar. Mixture or compound?  
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on the conservation of matter. 
A. Discuss a burning book.
B. Mass is conserved but volume is not!
C. Discuss Test Question 9.
D. Brainteaser for candy: “Why does smoke float if it’s so heavy?”
5. Explain lab - 50 min
A. Keep balances set.
B. Read very carefully.
C. Ice is in the cooler.
D. You're starting in different spots.
E. Put stuff back where you got it.
F. These aren’t great balances, so close is good enough.
G. When done, rip out and read pages 342-345.
6. Show the test tube with balloon and how to add the baking soda.
7. Do "Measure the Mass" lab and collect.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Weds. 2/12 (DAY 1)
1. Review all material so far.
A. Go over today's lab question 11.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Show "Conservation of Mass Lab" PowerPoint to explain how to add up elements.
5. Explain lab. - 60 min
A. Show chart and how to fill out.
B. Read carefully.
C. This stuff is dangerous!
D. You're starting in different places. Put stuff back where you got it.
E. Rinse carefully for Part 3.
F. Dump in the waste bucket, not sink!
G. Glass bucket is outside. Don't take off balloons until outside.
H. Keep balances set.  
I. Keep goggles at desk.
J. Do data chart on first page before you start.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Do "Conservation of Mass" lab.
8. Homework! (Finish Lab)

Thurs. 2/13 (DAY 2)
1. Review all material so far.
A. Go over today's lab question 11.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Show "Conservation of Mass Lab" PowerPoint to explain how to add up elements.
5. Explain lab. - 60 min
A. Show chart and how to fill out.
B. Read carefully.
C. This stuff is dangerous!
D. You're starting in different places. Put stuff back where you got it.
E. Rinse carefully for Part 3.
F. Dump in the waste bucket, not sink!
G. Glass bucket is outside. Don't take off balloons until outside.
H. Keep balances set.  
I. Keep goggles at desk.
J. Do data chart on first page before you start.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Do "Conservation of Mass" lab.
8. Homework! (Finish Lab)

Fri. 2/14 (DAY 1)
1. Collect homework.
2. Review all material so far.
A. Go over yesterday's lab questions.
3. Go over today’s learning objectives.
4. Useless facts.
5. Explain lab.
A. Read carefully.
B. Don't give up until you've figured it out.
C. This is an inquiry brainteaser.
D. When done, rip out pages 308-313 and read for tomorrow.
6. Do "Periodic Tiles" lab and collect.
7. Discuss lab:
A. This is just like the real Periodic Table.
B. We used this to predict elements we couldn't find.
C. Go over question 11 on lab. (Show Periodic Table)
8. Explain lab - 50 min
A. Read carefully.
B. We'll microwave them all together. Don't go too slowly.
C. Conductometers get really hot!
D. Keep stop watch running and watch wax carefully.
E. Lab due today.
F. If finished, read the book pages, if you didn't do it yet.
9. Show thermal bars to kids during lab.
10. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
11. Do "Heating of Metals" lab and collect.

Mon. 2/17 

No School!  President's Day!

Tues. 2/18 

Cold Day!

Weds. 2/19 (DAY 2)
1. Collect homework.
2. Review all material so far.
A. Go over yesterday's lab questions.
3. Go over today’s learning objectives.
4. Useless facts.
5. Explain lab.
A. Read carefully.
B. Don't give up until you've figured it out.
C. This is an inquiry brainteaser.
D. When done, rip out pages 308-313 and read for tomorrow.
6. Do "Periodic Tiles" lab and collect.
7. Discuss lab:
A. This is just like the real Periodic Table.
B. We used this to predict elements we couldn't find.
C. Go over question 11 on lab. (Show Periodic Table)
8. Explain lab - 50 min
A. Read carefully.
B. We'll microwave them all together. Don't go too slowly.
C. Conductometers get really hot!
D. Keep stop watch running and watch wax carefully.
E. Lab due today.
F. If finished, read the book pages, if you didn't do it yet.
9. Show thermal bars to kids during lab.
10. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
11. Do "Heating of Metals" lab and collect.

​Thurs. 2/20(DAY 1)
1. Go over the questions for yesterday's lab.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Do short review of topics so far.
4. Useless facts.
5. Play “Periodic Table Song” video from computer.
6. Give notes on the Periodic Table.
A. Show the answer key from yesterday's lab.
B. Go over symbol key on top of table in notes.
7. Give notes on the properties of metals.
A. Discuss zigzag line on Periodic Table.
B. Show Mg burning.
C. Do flame test.
8. Give notes on nonmetals and families (groups).
A. Discuss certain family and bees.  
B. Show gas tubes.
C. Show “Reaction of Alkaline Metals” video from computer (3 min).
D. After Hindenburg movie, show H2 rocket demo. (Use new Hindenburg movie from computer.)
9. Do Atoms Review 1 PowerPoint for candy. - 20 min
10. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Fri. 2/21 (DAY 2)
1. Go over the questions for yesterday's lab.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Do short review of topics so far.
4. Useless facts.
5. Play “Periodic Table Song” video from computer.
6. Give notes on the Periodic Table.
A. Show the answer key from yesterday's lab.
B. Go over symbol key on top of table in notes.
7. Give notes on the properties of metals.
A. Discuss zigzag line on Periodic Table.
B. Show Mg burning.
C. Do flame test.
8. Give notes on nonmetals and families (groups).
A. Discuss certain family and bees.  
B. Show gas tubes.
C. Show “Reaction of Alkaline Metals” video from computer (3 min).
D. After Hindenburg movie, show H2 rocket demo. (Use new Hindenburg movie from computer.)
9. Do Atoms Review 1 PowerPoint for candy. - 20 min
10. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Mon. 2/24 (DAY 1)
1. Go over today's learning objective.
2. Useless facts.
3. Quickly go over some of the lab questions, including circle and triangle questions.
4. Give notes on acids, bases and pH.
A. Remember, not all acids can harm you.
B. Go over what the uses are for each.
5. Explain lab:
A. Don't mix liquids or re-use paper.
B. Make your hypothesis first.
C. Name of the liquids is on the cups.
D. Dip red and blue paper at same time.
E. Red and Red = acid.
F. Blue and Blue = base.
G. Stay same color = neutral.
H. Don't let paper sit. The color changes.
6. Project PPT during lab to show red/red, etc.
7. Do "Acid, Base or Neither" lab and collect. - takes 35 min
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Tues. 2/25 (DAY 2)
1. Go over today's learning objective.
2. Useless facts.
3. Quickly go over some of the lab questions, including circle and triangle questions.
4. Give notes on acids, bases and pH.
A. Remember, not all acids can harm you.
B. Go over what the uses are for each.
5. Explain lab:
A. Don't mix liquids or re-use paper.
B. Make your hypothesis first.
C. Name of the liquids is on the cups.
D. Dip red and blue paper at same time.
E. Red and Red = acid.
F. Blue and Blue = base.
G. Stay same color = neutral.
H. Don't let paper sit. The color changes.
6. Project PPT during lab to show red/red, etc.
7. Do "Acid, Base or Neither" lab and collect. - takes 35 min
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Weds. 2/26 (DAY 1)
1. Go over today's learning objective.
2. Useless facts.
3. Play the SFG to review the unit.
A. Use Atoms Review 2 PowerPoint.
B. Review today's lab questions as well.
4. Pass out today's homework.
A. Work on it when you finish your lab.
5. Explain lab - 50 min
A. This time the paper gives you an exact pH. Use the key, but do not remove it
from tube.
B. Check immediately. Waiting changes color.
C. Do not waste paper.
D. Ignore the eye droppers.
E. Do hypothesis first.
F. Due today.
G. Do not get materials until you've answered 1-4.
H. Be safe. Carry 2 at a time only.
I. Set pH paper on paper towels.
J. I'm passing out your Anticipation Guides so you can see how much you've learned.
K. Done? Do homework.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Do "pH" lab and collect. USE PPT TO SHOW RED/RED, ETC.

Thurs. 2/27 (DAY 2)
1. Go over today's learning objective.
2. Useless facts.
3. Play the SFG to review the unit.
A. Use Atoms Review 2 PowerPoint.
B. Review today's lab questions as well.
4. Pass out today's homework.
A. Work on it when you finish your lab.
5. Explain lab - 50 min
A. This time the paper gives you an exact pH. Use the key, but do not remove it
from tube.
B. Check immediately. Waiting changes color.
C. Do not waste paper.
D. Ignore the eye droppers.
E. Do hypothesis first.
F. Due today.
G. Do not get materials until you've answered 1-4.
H. Be safe. Carry 2 at a time only.
I. Set pH paper on paper towels.
J. I'm passing out your Anticipation Guides so you can see how much you've learned.
K. Done? Do homework.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Do "pH" lab and collect. USE PPT TO SHOW RED/RED, ETC.

Fri. 2/28 (DAY 1) 

Bonus review day!!!!