Mon. 12/2 (DAY 1)
1. Review atmospheric layers.

A. Discuss volcanoes, ash and the history of Earth's climate.

B. Go over some of today’s lab questions.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Finish notes on the layers of the atmosphere. Give notes on the greenhouse effect as well as sources of greenhouse gasses. Discuss the lab while notes are being given.
A. Find out next time ISS is orbiting Parma area.
B. Moon day = 250 F / moon night = -208 F.
5. Explain lab - 40 min

A. Thermometers go up by two.

B. Units!

C. Keep lights aimed towards the jar.

D. Do open container first. Then turn off light.

E. Don't turn on light until lab tells you to. Keep stop watches running.

F. When done, rip out pages 428-433 and 488-493 and read for tomorrow.
5. Do "Greenhouse Effect” lab and collect.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
Tues. 12/3 (DAY 2)
1. Review atmospheric layers.

A. Discuss volcanoes, ash and the history of Earth's climate.

B. Go over some of today’s lab questions.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Finish notes on the layers of the atmosphere. Give notes on the greenhouse effect as well as sources of greenhouse gasses. Discuss the lab while notes are being given.
A. Find out next time ISS is orbiting Parma area.
B. Moon day = 250 F / moon night = -208 F.
5. Explain lab - 40 min

A. Thermometers go up by two.

B. Units!

C. Keep lights aimed towards the jar.

D. Do open container first. Then turn off light.

E. Don't turn on light until lab tells you to. Keep stop watches running.

F. When done, rip out pages 428-433 and 488-493 and read for tomorrow.
5. Do "Greenhouse Effect” lab and collect.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
Weds. 12/4 (DAY 1)
1. Writing prompt: “We’re discussing climate change which gives some people anxiety. What gives you anxiety? 7 minutes
2. Review material so far.

A. “The silly monkey turned east."
3. Go over today’s learning objectives.
4. Useless facts.
5. Discuss volcano test question.
6. Give notes predictable effects of global warming.

A. Discuss Test Question 17.
7. Give notes on the nitrogen cycle.

A. Use molecule kits.
8. Explain “Does this create Greenhouse Gases” Blooket.

A. You will be playing for 10 minutes. Top 3 get candy.

B. However, pay attention, because 9 of the 18 things on the Blooket make

Greenhouse Gases. When we’re done, I will roll and if you can name one,
9. Play “Does this create Greenhouse Gases” Blooket for 10 minutes.
10. Roll to see if the kids can name the 9 things that make Greenhouse Gases.

A. As they do, ask “Is this human caused or natural?”

B. If it’s human caused, ask “How can we do something better?”
11. When done, pass out “Man-made Causes of Greenhouse Gases” sheet.

A. This is a test question!
12. Play “Our Atmosphere” Kahoot.
13. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
Thurs. 12/5 (DAY 2)
Snow Day!
Fri. 12/6 (DAY 2)
1. Writing prompt: “We’re discussing climate change which gives some people anxiety. What gives you anxiety? 7 minutes
2. Review material so far.

A. “The silly monkey turned east."
3. Go over today’s learning objectives.
4. Useless facts.
5. Discuss volcano test question.
6. Give notes predictable effects of global warming.

A. Discuss Test Question 17.
7. Give notes on the nitrogen cycle.

A. Use molecule kits.
8. Explain “Does this create Greenhouse Gases” Blooket.

A. You will be playing for 10 minutes. Top 3 get candy.

B. However, pay attention, because 9 of the 18 things on the Blooket make

Greenhouse Gases. When we’re done, I will roll and if you can name one,
9. Play “Does this create Greenhouse Gases” Blooket for 10 minutes.
10. Roll to see if the kids can name the 9 things that make Greenhouse Gases.

A. As they do, ask “Is this human caused or natural?”

B. If it’s human caused, ask “How can we do something better?”
11. When done, pass out “Man-made Causes of Greenhouse Gases” sheet.

A. This is a test question!
12. Play “Our Atmosphere” Kahoot.
13. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
Mon. 12/9 (DAY 1)
1. Collect homework.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Play SFG over the entire atmosphere unit.

A. Use PowerPoint review.
5. Pass out and begin Our Atmosphere Review.
6. Explain how to play Science Bingo.

A. Don't swipe your cards until you're told to.

B. Don't get markers on floor.

C. You cannot write the same word twice.
7. Play Science Bingo to review.

A. Pass out Our Atmosphere Anticipation Guides while they start their boards.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
9. Homework! (Our Atmosphere Review)
Tues. 12/10 (DAY 2)
1. Collect homework.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Play SFG over the entire atmosphere unit.
A. Use PowerPoint review.
5. Pass out and begin Our Atmosphere Review.
6. Explain how to play Science Bingo.
A. Don't swipe your cards until you're told to.
B. Don't get markers on floor.
C. You cannot write the same word twice.
7. Play Science Bingo to review.
A. Pass out Our Atmosphere Anticipation Guides while they start their boards.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
9. Homework! (Our Atmosphere Review)
Weds. 12/11 (DAY 1)
1. Go over today’s learning objectives.
2. Useless facts.
3. Phones in holder.
4. Take "Our Atmosphere" test.

A. When done, complete Earth, Moon & Sun Anticipation Guide.

B. When done get your phone.
5. Explain lab. - 40 min

A. Return brass brads at end.

B. I've made a spinner for you to see.

C. Read carefully.

D. Raise hand at #25 so I can check your chart.

E. Use a pencil.

F. You keep "Moon Phases" chart in your notes when you're done.

G. Don’t finish. Stop at lab questions.

H. Do not hand in. We'll take notes tomorrow and you can make corrections.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Do "What's a Moon Phase?" lab.
Thurs. 12/12 (DAY 2)
1. Go over today’s learning objectives.
2. Useless facts.
3. Phones in holder.
4. Take "Our Atmosphere" test.

A. When done, complete Earth, Moon & Sun Anticipation Guide.

B. When done get your phone.
5. Explain lab. - 40 min

A. Return brass brads at end.

B. I've made a spinner for you to see.

C. Read carefully.

D. Raise hand at #25 so I can check your chart.

E. Use a pencil.

F. You keep "Moon Phases" chart in your notes when you're done.

G. Don’t finish. Stop at lab questions.

H. Do not hand in. We'll take notes tomorrow and you can make corrections.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Do "What's a Moon Phase?" lab.
Fri. 12/13 (DAY 1)
1. Go over today’s learning objectives.

A. Explain this unit's extension activity and video links.
2. Useless facts.
3. Give notes on gravity.

A. Show NASA's "Why do we float in space?" video.
4. Give notes on moon phases.

A. Show sun, earth and moon apparatus.

B. Have students draw moon phase in the box in the notes.

C. Mention that it's one week for every other phase.

D. "The bright light grows on the right!"
5. Explain finishing lab. - 25 min

A. Raise hand at #26 so I can check your chart.

B. Now that you have notes on moon phases, change your lab drawings, if wrong.

C. You keep "Moon Phases" chart for notes.

D. When done reading, start moon phase flipbook.

E. I'll come by with my moon phase iPad app so you can see the moon phase on

your birthday. Candy if there was a completely full, new or quarter moon on your 

6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Finish "What's a Moon Phase?" lab and work on "Moon Phase" flipbook.

A. Pass out tests during lab.

B. Come around with moon phase phone app.
Mon. 12/16 (DAY 2)
1. Go over today’s learning objectives.

A. Explain this unit's extension activity and video links.
2. Useless facts.
3. Give notes on gravity.

A. Show NASA's "Why do we float in space?" video.
4. Give notes on moon phases.

A. Show sun, earth and moon apparatus.

B. Have students draw moon phase in the box in the notes.

C. Mention that it's one week for every other phase.

D. "The bright light grows on the right!"
5. Explain finishing lab. - 25 min

A. Raise hand at #26 so I can check your chart.

B. Now that you have notes on moon phases, change your lab drawings, if wrong.

C. You keep "Moon Phases" chart for notes.

D. When done reading, start moon phase flipbook.

E. I'll come by with my moon phase iPad app so you can see the moon phase on

your birthday. Candy if there was a completely full, new or quarter moon on your 

6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Finish "What's a Moon Phase?" lab and work on "Moon Phase" flipbook.

A. Pass out tests during lab.

B. Come around with moon phase phone app.
Tues. 12/17 (DAY 1)
1. Review terms and information covered so far in the unit.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Show "LRV on Moon" video from computer.
5. Show “Earth’s Rotation” video from computer.
6. Give notes on the seasons, Solstices and Equinoxes.

A. Show globe and explain that more sunlight = warmer.

B. Explain how equator splits north and south hemispheres.

C. Explain how season differ at same time. Tell Australia student story.

D. Explain how true start of season usually is later than what we think it is. Based

on sunlight. Usually 20th through 22nd. TELL THIS YEAR’S.
7. Give notes on eclipses.

A. For each, ask "What is the moon phase?"

B. Discuss Test Question 16.

C. Next solar eclipse visible in Parma is on April 8th, 2024. (Not again until 2444.)

D. Next lunar eclipses are XXXX.
8. Do Review PowerPoint 1, or as much as possible.

A. Give candy or tickets for correct answers.
9. Explain lab. - 30 min

A. Keep the white side of the moon facing the sun always.

B. Move your head into the position it says.

C. Use a pencil.

D. Use your notes.

E. Make sure to include waxing and waning in your examples.

F. Confused? Raise your hand!

G. When done, rip out and read pages 500-516.
10. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
11. Do "Moon Phases" lab and collect.
Weds. 12/18 (DAY 2)
1. Review terms and information covered so far in the unit.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Show "LRV on Moon" video from computer.
5. Show “Earth’s Rotation” video from computer.
6. Give notes on the seasons, Solstices and Equinoxes.

A. Show globe and explain that more sunlight = warmer.

B. Explain how equator splits north and south hemispheres.

C. Explain how season differ at same time. Tell Australia student story.

D. Explain how true start of season usually is later than what we think it is. Based

on sunlight. Usually 20th through 22nd. TELL THIS YEAR’S.
7. Give notes on eclipses.

A. For each, ask "What is the moon phase?"

B. Discuss Test Question 16.

C. Next solar eclipse visible in Parma is on April 8th, 2024. (Not again until 2444.)

D. Next lunar eclipses are XXXX.
8. Do Review PowerPoint 1, or as much as possible.

A. Give candy or tickets for correct answers.
9. Explain lab. - 30 min

A. Keep the white side of the moon facing the sun always.

B. Move your head into the position it says.

C. Use a pencil.

D. Use your notes.

E. Make sure to include waxing and waning in your examples.

F. Confused? Raise your hand!

G. When done, rip out and read pages 500-516.
10. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
11. Do "Moon Phases" lab and collect.
Thurs. 12/19 (DAY 1)
Extra Review Day!!
Fri. 12/20 (DAY 2)
Holiday Party!