Tues. 10/1 (DAY 1)
1. Collect yesterday’s homework.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Review the steps of the scientific method.
5. Pass out books to students.

A. Have students write names inside and on side of book.

B. Explain that it's a consumable.

C. Show students where we'll keep these and how to get them out.

D. Take a few minutes and look through it, if you like.
6. Explain “The Paper Towel” lab.

A. You can test anything you like.

B. You can only have 1 independent variable.

C. What’s your dependent variable?

D. You need at least 3 controls.

E. Test 1 towel at a time.

F. Do the experiment three times, if possible.

G. Use any tool you like.

H. Must get experiment approved before you start.

I. Lab due today.
7. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
8. Begin “Paper Towel” lab and collect. With 20 minutes left, make them start questions.
Weds. 10/2 (DAY 2)
**Books needed today.**
1. Review what we covered yesterday.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Remind kids about Movement of Water video links on site. Use Apple TV.
5. Show salt and sand mixture.

A. How could you get the salt out? Do as brainteaser and roll for candy.

B. Discuss salt and sugar/black and white sand lab questions.

C. Discuss lead in water and Flint Michigan crisis.
6. Explain “Salt Removal” lab. - 60 minutes

A. Show alcohol burner and explain safety.

B. Explain folding of filter paper.

C. Explain flushing.

D. Spatter!
7. Go over rules of lab:

A. Safety. (If I see it, it’s a zero even if you’re the 2nd one to do it.)

B. Use your mass cup!

C. Don’t panic with spatter.

D. Lab due today.

E. When done, rip out pages 134-135 in book and read for tomorrow.
8. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
9. Do “Salt Removal” lab and collect.
Thurs. 10/3 (DAY 1)
**Books needed today.**
1. Review what we covered yesterday.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Remind kids about Movement of Water video links on site. Use Apple TV.
5. Show salt and sand mixture.

A. How could you get the salt out? Do as brainteaser and roll for candy.

B. Discuss salt and sugar/black and white sand lab questions.

C. Discuss lead in water and Flint Michigan crisis.
6. Explain “Salt Removal” lab. - 60 minutes

A. Show alcohol burner and explain safety.

B. Explain folding of filter paper.

C. Explain flushing.

D. Spatter!
7. Go over rules of lab:

A. Safety. (If I see it, it’s a zero even if you’re the 2nd one to do it.)

B. Use your mass cup!

C. Don’t panic with spatter.

D. Lab due today.

E. When done, rip out pages 134-135 in book and read for tomorrow.
8. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
9. Do “Salt Removal” lab and collect.
Fri. 10/4 (DAY 2)
I am out today. Sorry!
Mon. 10/7 (DAY 1)
1. Review what we covered yesterday.

A. Discuss yesterday’s lab. What happened?

B. Go over the lab questions from yesterday.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on the Hydrologic Cycle. (Pages 134-135) - Why is water important?

A. Discuss how evaporation cleans water and absorbs energy.

B. Discuss how condensation releases energy.
(Write “Dew” next to condensation in notes.)

C. Discuss how precipitation returns the cleaned water.

D. Explain clouds - what they are made of and how they form. Fog.

E. Show a salt block. Discuss Lake Erie salt mine.
5. Show colored water.

A. Ask “How can we separate water from food coloring.”
6. Show distillation setup.
7. Explain lab. - 45 min

A. Vacuum.

B. Read carefully.

C. Tilt funnel.

D. You can do a mystery solution, if you like.

E. Use your notes!!
8. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
9. Do “Hydrologic Cycle” lab.
Tues. 10/8 (DAY 2)
1. Review what we covered yesterday.

A. Discuss yesterday’s lab. What happened?

B. Go over the lab questions from yesterday.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on the Hydrologic Cycle. (Pages 134-135) - Why is water important?

A. Discuss how evaporation cleans water and absorbs energy.

B. Discuss how condensation releases energy.
(Write “Dew” next to condensation in notes.)

C. Discuss how precipitation returns the cleaned water.

D. Explain clouds - what they are made of and how they form. Fog.

E. Show a salt block. Discuss Lake Erie salt mine.
5. Show colored water.

A. Ask “How can we separate water from food coloring.”
6. Show distillation setup.
7. Explain lab. - 45 min

A. Vacuum.

B. Read carefully.

C. Tilt funnel.

D. You can do a mystery solution, if you like.

E. Use your notes!!
8. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
9. Do “Hydrologic Cycle” lab.
Weds. 10/9 (DAY 1)
1. Collect homework.
2. Review what we covered yesterday.

A. Go over today's lab questions 3, 4 and 5.

B. Go over lab questions.
3. Go over today's learning objectives.
4. Useless facts.
5. Give notes on evaporation and what happens when things evaporate.

A. Discuss how it absorbs energy.

B. Moon = 250 F during the day and -208 F at night.
6. Give notes on transpiration.

A. Discuss how you can get water from a plant in a survival situation.
7. Give notes on condensation.

A. Discuss how it releases energy.
8. Explain lab. - 50 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Explain how to use a sling psychrometer.

C. Remind them how to average.

D. Units are Celsius for first part, Fahrenheit for second part.

E. Raise your hand before you spin for the first time!

F. Lab due today.

G. When done, rip out pages 370-371, 458-459 and read for tomorrow.
9. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
10. Do “Evaporative Cooling” lab and collect.
Thurs. 10/10 (DAY 2)
1. Collect homework.
2. Review what we covered yesterday.

A. Go over today's lab questions 3, 4 and 5.

B. Go over lab questions.
3. Go over today's learning objectives.
4. Useless facts.
5. Give notes on evaporation and what happens when things evaporate.

A. Discuss how it absorbs energy.

B. Moon = 250 F during the day and -208 F at night.
6. Give notes on transpiration.

A. Discuss how you can get water from a plant in a survival situation.
7. Give notes on condensation.

A. Discuss how it releases energy.
8. Explain lab. - 50 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Explain how to use a sling psychrometer.

C. Remind them how to average.

D. Units are Celsius for first part, Fahrenheit for second part.

E. Raise your hand before you spin for the first time!

F. Lab due today.

G. When done, rip out pages 370-371, 458-459 and read for tomorrow.
9. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
10. Do “Evaporative Cooling” lab and collect.
Fri. 10/11
No School Today!!!!
Mon. 10/14 (DAY 1)
1. Review what we covered yesterday.

A. Discuss yesterday's lab questions.

B. Talk about why sweating makes you cooler and energy.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on precipitation and acid rain.

A. Discuss states of matter.
5. Give notes on porosity.

A. Discuss porosity of your lab tables, glass and a screen.

B. Discuss aquifers. High porosity, like a sponge.
6. Explain lab. - 50 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Explain calculations. (Use overhead.)

C. I have calculators.

D. Only take from the part you're on.

E. Put wet sand in the pan.

F. More porosity holds more water.

G. Lab due today.

H. When done, rip out pages 380-385 and read for tomorrow.
7. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
8. Do “Porosity” lab and collect.
Tues. 10/15 (DAY 2)
1. Review what we covered yesterday.

A. Discuss yesterday's lab questions.

B. Talk about why sweating makes you cooler and energy.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on precipitation and acid rain.

A. Discuss states of matter.
5. Give notes on porosity.

A. Discuss porosity of your lab tables, glass and a screen.

B. Discuss aquifers. High porosity, like a sponge.
6. Explain lab. - 50 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Explain calculations. (Use overhead.)

C. I have calculators.

D. Only take from the part you're on.

E. Put wet sand in the pan.

F. More porosity holds more water.

G. Lab due today.

H. When done, rip out pages 380-385 and read for tomorrow.
7. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
8. Do “Porosity” lab and collect.
Weds. 10/16 (DAY 1)
1. Review what we covered yesterday.

A. Discuss yesterday’s lab questions.

B. Review porosity and the hydrologic cycle.

C. Discuss Question 5 from today's lab.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on permeability and runoff.

A. Use PowerPoint to show today's lab questions about aquifers.

B. Discuss paving part of Test Question 16.
5. Explain lab. - 50 min

A. You are doing two trials.

B. Don't fill past the filter paper. The funnels are large!!

C. Please save your filter paper. Read carefully.

D. Place the wet sand in the pan.

E. To average these, you add them up and divide by two.

F. Convert the time into seconds.

G. Only take 1 material at a time.

H. Faster time is higher permeability.

I. If it’s not flowing, lift funnel up over test tube a bit.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Do “Permeability” lab.
Thurs. 10/17 (DAY 2)
1. Review what we covered yesterday.

A. Discuss yesterday’s lab questions.

B. Review porosity and the hydrologic cycle.

C. Discuss Question 5 from today's lab.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on permeability and runoff.

A. Use PowerPoint to show today's lab questions about aquifers.

B. Discuss paving part of Test Question 16.
5. Explain lab. - 50 min

A. You are doing two trials.

B. Don't fill past the filter paper. The funnels are large!!

C. Please save your filter paper. Read carefully.

D. Place the wet sand in the pan.

E. To average these, you add them up and divide by two.

F. Convert the time into seconds.

G. Only take 1 material at a time.

H. Faster time is higher permeability.

I. If it’s not flowing, lift funnel up over test tube a bit.
6. Wrap up with what we've learned today.
7. Do “Permeability” lab.
Fri. 10/18 (DAY 1)
1. Collect homework.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Explain how to play the SFG.
5. Play the SFG to review the main concepts of the MOW unit.

A. Use MOW Review PowerPoint. (Allow kids to write last one in HW.)
6. Pass out homework. Explain that this is like the test.

A. Need help? See me tomorrow morning.
7. Explain lab. - 40 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Keep turning the bread around to see both sides.

C. Lab due today.

D. Use drops not squirts.

E. Done? Start homework.

F. I'm passing back the Anticipation Guide. You can see how much you've learned.
8. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
Mon. 10/21 (DAY 2)
1. Collect homework.
2. Go over today's learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Explain how to play the SFG.
5. Play the SFG to review the main concepts of the MOW unit.

A. Use MOW Review PowerPoint. (Allow kids to write last one in HW.)
6. Pass out homework. Explain that this is like the test.

A. Need help? See me tomorrow morning.
7. Explain lab. - 40 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Keep turning the bread around to see both sides.

C. Lab due today.

D. Use drops not squirts.

E. Done? Start homework.

F. I'm passing back the Anticipation Guide. You can see how much you've learned.
8. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
9. Do “Water Pollution” lab and collect.

A. Pass back MOW Anticipation Guide.
Tues. 10/22 (DAY 1)
Bonus review day!!!
Weds. 10/23 (DAY 2)
Bonus review day!!!
Thurs. 10/24 (DAY 1)
1. Collect homework.
2. Does anyone have any questions?
3. Explain testing procedures.

A. Stay quiet.

B. Look at your own paper.

C. When done, read your book.

D. Explain Test Grade Sheet.

E. Write essays in complete sentences.

F. Put phones in holder.
4. Go over today's learning objectives.
5. Useless facts.
6. Take "Movement of Water" test.

A. Do GCP Anticipation Guide when done.

B. When done get phone.
7. Clean out science folders.
8. Remind kids about Global Climate Patterns video links.
9. Discuss Global Climate Patterns Extension Activity and remind about Beuther Bucks.
10. Explain lab. - 20 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Not collected, but candy will be given for correct answers.

C. Must be able to explain what is causing raisins to rise and sink.
11. Do “Dancing Raisins Brainteaser” lab. (Don’t use paper.)

A. Ask “Why did I use diet pop instead of regular pop?” for candy at end.

B. Then ask “Why did I use Craisins instead of blueberries?”
Fri. 10/25 (DAY 2)
1. Collect homework.
2. Does anyone have any questions?
3. Explain testing procedures.

A. Stay quiet.

B. Look at your own paper.

C. When done, read your book.

D. Explain Test Grade Sheet.

E. Write essays in complete sentences.

F. Put phones in holder.
4. Go over today's learning objectives.
5. Useless facts.
6. Take "Movement of Water" test.

A. Do GCP Anticipation Guide when done.

B. When done get phone.
7. Clean out science folders.
8. Remind kids about Global Climate Patterns video links.
9. Discuss Global Climate Patterns Extension Activity and remind about Beuther Bucks.
10. Explain lab. - 20 min

A. Read carefully.

B. Not collected, but candy will be given for correct answers.

C. Must be able to explain what is causing raisins to rise and sink.
11. Do “Dancing Raisins Brainteaser” lab. (Don’t use paper.)

A. Ask “Why did I use diet pop instead of regular pop?” for candy at end.

B. Then ask “Why did I use Craisins instead of blueberries?”
Mon. 10/28 (DAY 1)
1. Review the “Dancing Raisins Brainteaser” lab.

A. What happened?
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on atmosphere, climate and density.

A. High = sink / low = float. (I and O)
5. Demonstrate density:

A. Density spheres.

B. Water tank.
**Start microwave for lab during the tank demo.**
6. Explain lab. - 50 min

A. Do this lab in different parts. Only take from the part you’re on.

B. Don’t break thermometers.

C. If balloon grows, air grew. If it shrinks, air shrinks.

D. Explain how to pour CO2 with beakers.

E. Remember, high sink / low float.

F. More dense = high density.
G. Don’t dump out water.

H. Lab due today.
7. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
8. Do “Density of Air” lab and collect. (Pass out tests during lab.)
Tues. 10/29 (DAY 2)
1. Review the “Dancing Raisins Brainteaser” lab.

A. What happened?
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on atmosphere, climate and density.

A. High = sink / low = float. (I and O)
5. Demonstrate density:

A. Density spheres.

B. Water tank.
**Start microwave for lab during the tank demo.**
6. Explain lab. - 50 min

A. Do this lab in different parts. Only take from the part you’re on.

B. Don’t break thermometers.

C. If balloon grows, air grew. If it shrinks, air shrinks.

D. Explain how to pour CO2 with beakers.

E. Remember, high sink / low float.

F. More dense = high density.
G. Don’t dump out water.

H. Lab due today.
7. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
8. Do “Density of Air” lab and collect. (Pass out tests during lab.)
Weds. 10/30 (DAY 1)
1. Review density.

A. Go over yesterday’s lab and some questions.

B. Show density tube and discuss. Make one and get on my web site!

C. Show 5 Facts about Density video from computer.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on salinity.

A. Discuss lab question number 10 and test question 16.
5. Explain ball and ring apparatus.

A. Show how they fit together.

B. Be careful, ball gets hot.
6. With class, make the ball grow and shrink. Then, let partner try. Microwave water now!
7. Discuss what happened. Give candy for figuring out why ball grew and shrank.

A. Also discuss speed of particles!!!
8. Explain lab. - 45 min

A. Do this lab in different parts. Only take from the part you’re on.

B. Demonstrate straw part.

C. Mass cups!

D. Most = high, least = low.

E. Lab due today.
9. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
10. Do “Density of Water” lab and collect.
Thurs. 10/31 (DAY 2)
1. Review density.

A. Go over yesterday’s lab and some questions.

B. Show density tube and discuss. Make one and get on my web site!

C. Show 5 Facts about Density video from computer.
2. Go over today’s learning objectives.
3. Useless facts.
4. Give notes on salinity.

A. Discuss lab question number 10 and test question 16.
5. Explain ball and ring apparatus.

A. Show how they fit together.

B. Be careful, ball gets hot.
6. With class, make the ball grow and shrink. Then, let partner try. Microwave water now!
7. Discuss what happened. Give candy for figuring out why ball grew and shrank.

A. Also discuss speed of particles!!!
8. Explain lab. - 45 min

A. Do this lab in different parts. Only take from the part you’re on.

B. Demonstrate straw part.

C. Mass cups!

D. Most = high, least = low.

E. Lab due today.
9. Wrap up with what we’ve learned today.
10. Do “Density of Water” lab and collect.