Mon. 6/3 (DAY 1)
1. Collect homework.
2. Writing prompt: “Today we’re learning about sound. Tell me an interesting story about sound. Maybe a concert, music, dance or anything else.” 7 min
3. Review information discussed so far.
A. Discuss yesterday's lab.
B. Review test questions.
C. Show sound tube. (Mechanical changes to sound energy)
D. Show conservation of energy with the Newtonian demonstrator. What type of wave is it? (Longitudinal) 
4. Go over today's learning objectives.
5. Useless facts.
6. Give notes on speed, wavelength, amplitude and frequency.
A. Discuss how you see lightning before you hear thunder. (Light vs sound speed.)
B. Show how a tuning fork is louder against desk than in air.
C. Use a Slinky for frequency and amplitude.
D. Spin sound tube. Faster = higher frequency = higher pitch.
E. Use a kazoo to show frequency.
F. Use a guitar to show frequency.
G. FYI, the speed of sound is 761 MPH at sea level.
H. Show tuning fork against SOLO cup for amplitude.
I. Show plastic megaphone.
7. Show oscilloscope demo on computer.
A. Predict waves and then make sound.
B. Show a guitar and kazoo.
C. Who can make highest frequency?
D. Who can make lowest frequency?
8. Do "Doppler Effect" activity. - 20 min
A. Show ball.
B. Show PowerPoint do slowly with kids. (Up to test question slide.)
C. Do Test Question 17 on PowerPoint for candy. (Last slide) 
D. Keep Doppler Effect activity in your notes.
9. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Tues. 6/4 (DAY 2)
1. Collect homework.
2. Writing prompt: “Today we’re learning about sound. Tell me an interesting story about sound. Maybe a concert, music, dance or anything else.” 7 min
3. Review information discussed so far.
A. Discuss yesterday's lab.
B. Review test questions.
C. Show sound tube. (Mechanical changes to sound energy)
D. Show conservation of energy with the Newtonian demonstrator. What type of wave is it? (Longitudinal) 
4. Go over today's learning objectives.
5. Useless facts.
6. Give notes on speed, wavelength, amplitude and frequency.
A. Discuss how you see lightning before you hear thunder. (Light vs sound speed.)
B. Show how a tuning fork is louder against desk than in air.
C. Use a Slinky for frequency and amplitude.
D. Spin sound tube. Faster = higher frequency = higher pitch.
E. Use a kazoo to show frequency.
F. Use a guitar to show frequency.
G. FYI, the speed of sound is 761 MPH at sea level.
H. Show tuning fork against SOLO cup for amplitude.
I. Show plastic megaphone.
7. Show oscilloscope demo on computer.
A. Predict waves and then make sound.
B. Show a guitar and kazoo.
C. Who can make highest frequency?
D. Who can make lowest frequency?
8. Do "Doppler Effect" activity. - 20 min
A. Show ball.
B. Show PowerPoint do slowly with kids. (Up to test question slide.)
C. Do Test Question 17 on PowerPoint for candy. (Last slide) 
D. Keep Doppler Effect activity in your notes.
9. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Weds. 6/5 (DAY 1)
1. Go over today's learning objectives.
2. Useless facts.
3. Review information discussed so far.
A. Review terms so far, especially all types of waves.
B. Show conch shell and talk about "ocean" sound.
C. Do PowerPoint Review 1 for candy.
4. Show a megaphone made with paper.  
A. Show students how to draw sound waves from it.  
B. Discuss why it's louder.
5. Show how to make a kazoo.
6. Explain lab. - 55 min
A. Start in different spots.
B. Use your notes.
C. Explain how to draw waves.
D. I have straws. Clean up pieces.
E. When done, rip out and read pages 246-251.
7. Do "Measuring Waves" lab and collect.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Thurs. 6/6 (DAY 2)
1. Go over today's learning objectives.
2. Useless facts.
3. Review information discussed so far.
A. Review terms so far, especially all types of waves.
B. Show conch shell and talk about "ocean" sound.
C. Do PowerPoint Review 1 for candy.
4. Show a megaphone made with paper.  
A. Show students how to draw sound waves from it.  
B. Discuss why it's louder.
5. Show how to make a kazoo.
6. Explain lab. - 55 min
A. Start in different spots.
B. Use your notes.
C. Explain how to draw waves.
D. I have straws. Clean up pieces.
E. When done, rip out and read pages 246-251.
7. Do "Measuring Waves" lab and collect.
8. Wrap up with what we've learned today.

Fri. 6/7
Zoo trip!